18 Haziran 2014 Çarşamba

Brezilya'da Aslan yuvası

UEFA Kupası’nı kaldıran ekibin önemli isimlerinden biri olan sambacı, o dönem birlikte forma giydikleri Marcio ile birlikte bizi ağırlarken, evdeki herkesin sarı-kırmızılı formalarla dolaşması en önemli ayrıntıydı. İkili, “2000 yılındaki takım dağılmasa Şampiyonlar Ligi bile kazanılırdı” derken, Fatih Terim’i yere göğe sığdıramadı

Galatasaray tarihin en parlak dönemlerinde yer alan Oliveira Capone ve Marcio, Brezilya’da Milliyet’i ağırladı, sohbetin tadına doyum olmadı...
Sarı-kırmızılı forma altında hem UEFA Kupası’nı, hem de Süper Kupa’yı kazanan ikilinin, bir başka özelliği ise Kadıköy’deki son Fenerbahçe galibiyetini yaşayan isimler olmaları, hatta galibiyet golünü Marcio’nun atması...
İşte Dünya Kupası maratonu sırasında Capone’un Mogi Mirim’deki evinde buluşuyoruz... Brezilya müziği eşliğinde güzel bir pazar gününü mangal keyfi ile geçiriyor Capone’un ailesi, arkadaşları ve Marcio tabii ki...
Açıkçası daha evin içine girerken etrafta gezen Galatasaray formalı kişileri gördüğümüzde doğru yerde olduğumuzu hemen anlıyoruz.
O sırada Marcio da çocuklarıyla bahçede top oynuyor.
Bizi bu iki isimle buluşturan arkadaşımız Bayram Dağdeviren’in tercümanlığında evdeki herkes ile tek tek tanışıyoruz.
Brezilya-Türkiye dostluğundan bahsediyoruz. Ve bu dostluğu hep birlikte çekilen fotoğrafla pekiştiriyoruz.
Capone’dan dolayı buradaki herkes Galatasaraylı. Hepsinin üstünde sarı-kırmızı renkler. Forması olmayan bile Türkiye ile ilgili bir şey taşıyor üzerinde.
Hagi, Popescu, Taffarel gibi yıldızlarla birlikte takıma büyük katkı yapan iki Brezilyalı da profesyonel kariyerlerini noktalamış.
Marcio, inşaat işine girmiş. Capone ise geçen sene teknik direktörlük yapmış.
Capone, UEFA Kupası’na giden yolu açan Milan maçında attığı gol, Marcio ise son Kadıköy galibiyetinde attığı gol ve asistle hâlâ akıllarda. Yıllar sonra tekrar buluştuğumuzda ikisi de 2000 takımının devamında aslında bir Avrupa Kupası daha kazanılabileceğini söylüyor ve ekliyor;
“Takım dağılmasaydı, Şampiyonlar Ligi de gelebilirdi.”
Capone ile başlıyoruz. Futboldan kopmuş değil. Zaten sabah arkadaşları ile maçtan gelmiş. Evinin bahçesinde de dev bir futbol sahası var.
“Futbolu daha bırakmadım. Oynuyorum. Ayaklarım kırılana kadar tutmayana kadar bırakmayacağım. Arkadaşlarımla vakit geçiyorum. Profesyonel anlamda şu an bir şey yapmıyorum. Özel maçlara katılıyoruz. Hocalık yaptım. Geçen sene bir takım çalıştırdım. Ama iyi bir takım bekliyorum. Son iki yılda iki kez geldim Türkiye’ye. Taffarel ile arada görüşüyoruz, onun dışında çok kontağım yok. Özellikle defans konusunda Türk futbolculara hocalık yapabileceğimi düşünüyorum. Bu konuda büyük eksiklik var” ifadelerini kullanıyor.
Capone, UEFA Kupası’nı kazandıkları sene paranın ikinci planda olduğunu belirtiyor ve devam ediyor;
“2000’de forma için oynadık. Şimdi ise para için oynayan futbolcular var. Bizim o dönemimizde bu tip kontratlar yoktu. Garanti paralar yoktu. Maç başı vardı. Her maç oynamak zorunda oluyorduk. Şimdi garanti olduğu için ufak bir ağrı hissedince futbolcu oynamıyor. O fedakârlığı göstermiyor.”

Future Perfect Tense, gelecekte belirli bir zamanda tamamlanmış eylemler için kullanılır. Diğer tüm "future" formlarda olduğu gibi, Future Perfect Tense de "when" "while" "before" "after" "by the time" "as soon as" "if" "unless" gibi zaman kelimeleriyle kullanılamaz. Türkçe'ye "yapmış olacağım" şeklinde çevrilebilir.

I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework. Doğru
(Dersimi bitirince bir film seyredeceğim.)

I am going to see a movie when I will have finished my homework. Yanlış

FORM Future Perfect



will have perfected my English by the time I come back from the U.S. (Amerika'dan döndüğümde İngilizcemi mükemmel bir şekilde geliştirmiş olacağım.)



am going to have perfected my English by the time I come back from the US. (Amerika'dan döndüğümde İngilizcemi mükemmel bir şekilde geliştirmiş olacağım.)

NOT: "will" veya "going to" kalıbıyla yaptığımız cümleler çoğu kez anlam farkına yol açmazlar. Bazı özel durumlarda iki tense birbirinin yerine kullanılamaz.

dersimizingilizce.com eğitim kadrosu özellikle "hemen konuşmak isteyen" bireylere yönelik olarak Callan English programları tasarlamıştır. Callan Metoduyla İngilizce eğitim vermek için özel eğitim almış öğretmenlerimiz, özellikle iş dünyasından onlarca kişiye eğitim vermiştir. Callan metoduyla eğitim alan kişilerde sağlanan yüzde yüz memnuniyet oranı, hem eğitim kadromuzun, hem de öğrenci kitlemizin genişlemesine yol açmıştır.
Şu anda dersimizingilizce.com İngilizce Eğitim Programları kapsamında yüzyüze eğitim eğitim alan her 3 kişiden bir tanesi Callan metoduyla eğitim almaktadır.
Callan Metot, öğrencinin anlayabilme ve konuşabilme becerisini zevkli fakat yoğun bir ortamda artıran ya da başka bir deyişle geliştirmesini sağlayan, kesin sonuçlara ulaşmış, İngiliz patentli bir metottur.
Soru-cevap içerikli ders, öğrencinin İngilizce?yi hızlı bir devinim içerisinde duymaya ve etkin bir şekilde konuşmaya zorlar. 
Callan Öğretmeni, dersi süratli bir şekilde sürdürerek, öğrencinin İngilizce?yi doğal hızında konuşulurken anlamasını ve konuşmasını sağlar. . Bunu sağlayabilmenin yollarından biri de kişinin ana dilinden İngilizceye çeviri yapmasını engellemektir. Hız sayesinde kişinin çeviri yapmaya ve düşünmeye fırsatı kalmaz. Öğretmen dersi süratli bir şekilde sürdürerek, öğrencinin İngilizceyi doğal hızında konuşulurken öğrenmesini ve anlamasını sağlar. Ders esnasında tahtayı kullanmaz, not tutturmaz, boşlukları doldurtmaz  ve dili bilgisayarlarla öğretmez.

Yakın bir ifadeyle, İngilizce'yi ilk günden itibaren, “anadilimizi öğrendiğimiz şekilde yani konuşarak öğretir.
KOŞULLU  REFLEKSDil, refleksif olarak beyinden değil,  konuşma organlarından gelir. Öğrenci düşünmeden konuşmalı ve anlamalıdır. Öyle ki, hiçbirimiz kendi dilimizi düşünerek konuşmayız. Kelimeler cümleler halinde ağzımızdan otomatik olarak çıkar.
Sadece müzik tarihi okuyarak veya piyanonun hangi maddelerden yapıldığını öğrenerek, oturup çalabilmek olanaksızdır. Piyano çalabilmenin tek yolu, notaları öğrenerek sürekli onunla pratik yapmaktır. Bir dil öğrenmenin yolu da onu konuşmaktır. Callan derslerinde,  pratiği hızlıca geliştirerek öğrencinin düşünmeden konuşması sağlanılır.

Düşünmeden, akıcı konuşabilme sadece mekanik tekrarlamayla geliştirilebilir. Eğer  öğrenci duyduklarını defalarca tekrar ederse sonuca da aynı oranda çabuk ulaşır.

Aynı zamanda yapılan sık tekrarlar. bilgileri pekiştirip, eksik kalan yerleri doldururarak, otomatik konuşabilmeyi sağlamaktadır. Unutmayın ki, en zayıf hafızanın üstesinden bile sık tekrar gelir. 
Bir arabanın hangi maddelerden yapıldığını, motorunun nasıl bir düzenekte çalıştığını veya arabanın parçalarını teorik olarak biliyor olmamız, içine oturduğumuzda o arabayı sürebileceğimiz anlamına gelmez. Arabayı sürmek, zamanla ve pratikle kazanılan bir yetidir. 

Kendi dilimizi konuşurken de, asla özneleri, sıfatları, yardımcı fiilleri düşünmeyiz, kelime hatırlamaya çalışmayız. Kelimeler ve cümleler ağzımızdan otomatik olarak çıkar. Bu refleksi, anadilimizi 2 yaşından beri pratik yapmamız sayesinde kazandık. Callan yönteminin amacıda, ilk günden itibaren konuşarak eğitim vererek, İngilizce?nin kağıt üstündeki teorik bilgisini değil, pratik kullanımını göstermektir..  
7 kitaptan oluşan metodun 1.ve 2.Kitabı İngilizce?de günlük yaşamda bir çok kere kullanılan  ? come, go, black, white, quickly, slowly ? gibi 1000 kelimeyi içerir. Bu kelimeler ile 2500-2800 cümle pratik olarak kullanılır. 3 ay içerisinde ulaşılan durum, klasik yöntemlere gore 4 kat daha hızlı yol kat etme anlamı taşır..  
Her konunun sonunda yapılan yazı çalışmalarıyla, öğrencinin, birbirinle bağlantısı olmayan kelimelerden oluşmuş cümlelerle,  İngilizce?yi hatasız yazabilmesi sağlanmaktadır.
Konuşma ve anlama ağırlıklı geçen derslerin içerisinde her gün 10 dakikalık okuma çalışması  yapılmaktadır. Okur yazar kişilerde kısa bir sürede gelişen okuma yeteneği, dersin yoğun temposunda, küçük bir mola olarak da nitelendirilebilir.  
Bir dili öğrenmek, bir binayı inşa etmeye benzer. Kelimler tuğlaları, dilbilgisi ise destekleri temsil eder. Callan?daki ortalama bir öğrenci  gereken kelimeleri saatte ortalama 20 kelime olmak üzere toplam 80 saat sonunda öğrenmiş olacaktır.

Başka bir deyişle bir ay içerisinde Callan öğrencisi en az 600 kelime öğrenir.

Callan ile okumayan bir öğrenci, klasik yöntemlerle 2000 kelime öğrense dahi bu kelimeleri cümleler içerisinde akıcı olarak kullanamaz.   
IBM, OLIVETTI, PHILIPS, FIAT ve HONEYWELL?in yanında dünyaca ünlü bir çok  dev şirket, yönetici ve personel İngilizce eğitimlerinde Callan Method kullanmıştır.A.E.L?de Türkiye?nin tanınmış kurum ve kuruluşlarında  şirket içi eğitimlerini sürdürerek bir çok başarıya imza atmaktadır. .  
Netice olarak, Callan Method, klasik İngilizce öğretim tekniklerine göre tamamen farklı bir yaklaşımla, İngilizce?nin teorik olan bilgisini, pratik olarak öğreterek, öğrencisini anadilde öğrenme rahatlık ve kolaylığında  okuma, yazma, konuşma ve anlama becerilerinde en üst seviyeye taşımaktadır.  
5600 kelimeyi hatasız kullanma ve anlama imkanı tanır

Bu program özellikle orta ve üst düzey yöneticilik yapanlar ve işadamları için uygundur. Katılımcıların genel konuşma yeteneğinin yanısıra, iş yaşamıyla ilgili özel kavramları öğrenmesini ve pratik olarak kullanmasını amaçlar.
Ayrıca İş İngilizce'siyle ilgili online eğitim veren yüzlerce siteden toplanan zengin kaynaklar katılımcılara ücretsiz olarak sunulmaktadır. Eğitim öncesi katılımcılarla yapılacak mülakat, ihtiyaç analizi ve seviye tespit sınavından sonra kursun yoğunluğu ve süresi kararlaştırılır.

Ders almak isteyen kişilerle eğitimi verecek eğitmeniz evinize veya işyerinize gelerek bir ihtiyaç analiz testi ve seviye tespit sınavı uygular. Bu görüşme ücretsizdir. Bu görüşme esnasında ders almak isteyen kişi eğitmenle tanışma fırsatı yakalamış olur ve eğitim alma kararını daha net verebilir.
Görüşme sonrasında eğitmenimiz, eğitim alıp almama kararınızla ilgili hiçbir şey sormadan ayrılır. Ve sizden mail veya telefon yoluyla gelecek cevaba göre eğitime başlanır veya iptal edilir.
Dersler isteğe bağlı olarak ya ders almak isteyen kişinin kendi evinde veya işyerinde veya dersimizingilizce.com ofisinde ofisinde yapılmaktadır.
Dersler maksimum 6 kişilik gruplar halinde yapılmaktadır ve ders saati 120 TL?dir.
CALLAN metodunu verimli bir şekilde uygulayabilmek için haftada en az iki gün ikişer saat ders yapmak gereklidir.
Şirketlerde grup sayısına bağlı olarak ücretlerde özel ayarlamalar yapılabilir. 
Ayrıntılı bilgi ve kayıt için lütfen telefonla arayınız.

I am in red
Boğazıma kadar borca battım.
I drink cofee once in a blue moon
Ayda yılda bir kahve içerim
I am tikcled pink that I have passed the exam
Sınavı geçtiğim için çok heyecanlıyım
He eats like a pig
Çok fazla yemek yer
He took it like a man
Olgun bir şekilde kabul etti
He eats like a bird
Çok az yemek yer
He drinks like a fish
Çok içki içer
I slept like a dog
Çok güzel uyudum
My brother runs like a wind
Kardeşim çok hızlı koşar
My father is as bald as an egg
Babam kabak gibi keldir
He has a memory like sieve
Hafızası çok kötüdür
He came out smelling like a rose
Çok başarılıydı
He lives like a king
Kral gibi yaşar
She has a memory like an elephant
Hafızası çok kuvvetlidir
She took it like a duck to water
Onun için çok doğaldı
She looks like death warmed over
Çok gariban gözüküyor
He treats me like dirt
Bana çok kötü davranıyor
She treats me like a king
Bana kral gibi davranıyor
He sticks out like a sore thumb
Herkes tarafından farkedilen birisi
He works like a horse
Çok sıkı çalışır
He has a mind like a steel trap
Çok zeki birisi
He looks like a million
Harika gözüküyor
He went on like a broken record
Kırık plak gibi konuştu
She has something up her sleeve
Birşey planlıyor
He swears like a trooper
Çok küfür eder
She tells it like it is
Herşeyi olduğu gibi söyler
It works like a charm
Çok iyi çalışır
My mother wears the pants in the family
Evin hakimi annemdir
The news spread like a wildfire
Haberler çok hızlı bir şekilde yayıldı
The kids fought like cats and dogs on the street
Çocuklar sokakta kedi-köpek gibi kavga ettiler
My girlfriend is as cute as a button
Kızarkadaşım çok güzeldir
The teacher is hot under the collar
Öğretmen çok kızgındır
A good friend would give you the shirt off his back
İyi arkadaş senin için herşeyi yapar
We must tighten our belts now
Kemerleri sıkmamız lazım
I have been hoodwinked
That idea is old hat
Bu modası geçmiş bir fikir
Guests are given the red carpet treatmen in Turkey
Türkiye?de misafirlere çok iyi davranılır
Let's go out and paint the town red
Hadi dışarı çıkıp şehrin altını üstüne getirelim
I always look at the world through rose coloured glasses
Dünyaya her zaman pembe gözlüklerle bakarım
When I bought a summer house she was green with envy
Yazlık ev aldığımda kıskançlıktan deliye döndü
Don't look so blue! Try to be optimistic
O kadar karamsar bakma! Biraz iyimser olmaya çalış
John is a true blue friend
John çok sadık bir arkadaştır
This money is my golden oppurtunity to buy a new car
Bu para yeni bir araba almak için altın gibi bir fırsat
I don't have a red cent
Tek kuruşum bile yok
Mary talks like a blue streak
Mary çok konuşkandır
He sees red whenever he loses the match
Ne zaman maçı kaybetse kendini kaybeder
I am in a red
Boğazıma kadar borca battım

Professor Jack Stingo used to make some experiments, was trying to invent things in his free time on the basement floor of his house, which he converted into a laboratory. In the last few years he paid all his attention to make a robot eagle and concentrated his works on this way. He had already made two robot eagles and had flown them with a remote control in his house's large garden, which was in the ghetto, but that was not his main aim.
Professor Jack Stingo knew that making a well – developed robot eagle was in turn. This robot eagle would have a lot more different qualifications than the other robot eagles: It would have all the information it should know through the mini computer in its brain and it would search the eagles' lives by having close relationships with them by the light of this information. It would transfer its observations to the professor's computer in the laboratory after interpreting them in the mini computer in its brain. By the way everything he saw through the camera in its eyes would be seen by the professor on the computer's screen being in the laboratory.
The desire to learn new and different knowledge was an unforsakeable passion of human mentality and it wasn't contended with that and the effort to learn even the unknown would be used as a springboard and each new knowledge could be presented for the good of mankind.
Professor Jack Stingo completed to make the robot eagle after a tiresome work, which lasted three years; he took the robot eagle out to the garden, turned back to the laboratory, sat in front of his computer and he made the robot eagle fly by actuating the remote control. After touring a little, the robot eagle headed for towards the mountains. It would join the eagles living at the steep and rugged reef and would search their lives. After flying a while, the robot eagle saw an eagle flying by making large circles at a very high level. What was this eagle doing? What was its aim of flying by making large circles? It should be asked him. It rose. When it came near to the eagle it asked:
“Excuse me, why are you turning all the time there?” The eagle showed a very harsh and brutal reaction:
“Shut up, go away, don't you have any business? Push off…”
The robot eagle immediately went away from there. What kind of an eagle was that? He had apologized and asked why he had been turning. Why had the eagle dismissed him? The robot eagle passed that night in peace. The following day when he nearly had reached the steep and rugged reef, he saw an eagle nest. There were two eagles and a nestling, he headed towards them. The two eagles left the nest at he same time and they held up. After one of the eagles said:
“What do you think you are doing? What impertinence! I was chasing a game yesterday, you made me talk just before I would chase, and you made me miss my game and today you are trying to come to my nest. These are terrible mistakes and there is no mercy for them. An eagle has to know these wherever on earth he lives. I don't know why but I think that you have made these mistakes without knowing. If you knew them, you couldn't stand so calm before me. Now go away from here without saying anything and never meet me again. I will pull you to pieces at your third mistake. Oh, he is still standing”, he wanted to throw himself into the robot eagle. The robot eagle immediately turned back and started to run away from there as quick as possible. The eagles turned back to their nests after chasing the robot eagle for a while. The robot eagle went down to a reef, which was on the hillsides of a mountain, after flying for nearly half an hour. The environment was quite silent. He started to interpret the events on his mini computer in his mind and transfer all the talks to the professor's computer. After he finished the process, he heard an eagle's voice while he was trying to find to which way he should fly.
“Hey buddy!... What are you doing there? May I come near you?” The robot eagle turned his head to left and looked. An eagle had perched on the reef further and was shaking one of his wings. “If you want to talk, I can come near you. Would you like me to come, buddy?” This was a chance that the robot eagle sought but couldn't find. The chance was there for him. It was called chance and he wouldn't miss the chance.
“Come on buddy, let's come and talk!” The eagle flew and perched near the robot eagle.
“I have been watching you for a while, buddy. You were quite dreamy a few minutes ago, as if your body was here but your mind was in another place or let's say you seemed me like that.”
“What you have said might be true in some way. Everything has a reason. If you move backwards from here, you will reach the occurrence; if you move forwards, you will reach the result.”
“It is possible to reach the result by eliminating the reasons of its occurrence, isn't it buddy?”
“Completely right. Let's talk in short! I am a robot eagle made by a scientist called Professor Jack Stingo. I am on duty to search the eagles' lives. The number of the eagles in the world is decreasing steadily. This situation is known by the mankind and studies are done so that the eagles breed won't become extinct. The professor will present the knowledge, which he has got through me, for the mankind's opinion and the things that people know will consolidate with the new knowledge about the eagles. The studies made by this knowledge's light will make the eagles propagate. It must be your duty to attend to such a useful aim as an eagle.” After the eagle looked very puzzled at the robot eagle's face, he recovered himself.
“That means to say that you are a robot eagle. You were behaving strangely but if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have understood that you were a robot. Anyway we mostly hunt during the day. Each eagle has a different game reserve. An eagle can't enter another eagle's game reserve. It is forbidden. We don't like being disturbed while chasing a game and relaxing in our nest. If somebody disturbs, they will be reacted and put in their places. We don't often push and shove one another. Its reason is that two eagles rarely come together and see each other except the family. As you know the eagles are the rulers of the skies. No other flying creature can break a lance with us. We build our nests on the summits of the mountains, at the steepest and most unreachable places of the reefs. We live there away from the strangers' eyes. Sometimes a snake comes, from where I don't know, and pesters the eggs in the nest. If there are three eggs in the nest, it certainly snatches one or two of them.
It is impossible to leave the nest when there are eggs. We hunt snakes every day but since they propagate very quickly, those snakes' numbers never decrease. It is a problem even they exist or not. By the way the people shoot and kill them with rifles. Why do people kill the eagles although they don't eat their meat? No, such a nonsense thing can't happen. If there weren't any eagles, there would be snakes and centipedes everywhere. Common voles would be come across at every step. If these common voles propagate, there would neither be fields and vineyards nor gardens. They would wipe away all the crops. As a result the ones would be the people who would go hungry, this is my remark.”
The following talks were in the way of question – answer. The robot eagle asked the questions that he couldn't answer, and the eagle answered. After talking a little more for a while the robot eagle said:
“That's enough, thank you buddy.” The eagle said “Thank you actually, buddy” and it flew away. The robot eagle immediately transferred the talks to the professor's computer. The robot eagle, who continued his observations for a few more days in the environment, set off his journey to return. The information that has been got would be presented to the people's remark through publication after being compiled.

There lived thousands of ducks around a lake. These ducks organized different competitions and competed gently and they awarded the ones who came first. Gadro was winning all the competitions which were organized for the last few years. He was coming first an all competitions such as swimming, diving, walking beautifully etc. many years ago while his friends were playing around; Gadro was training alone and was very ambitious about being the champion one day. He didn't attend any of the competitions without being sure of himself and he came first in all the games that he attended.
Recently, Gadro started to say his friends that he was planning to migrate somewhere far away. In fact he wasn't happy there. It was such a small place and he thought that the world was so big. His aim was to be famous all around the world. Being famous in that place was not enough for him. He wanted to be a world famous duck.
One day Gadro left his homeland without telling anyone. He was walking so fast and what is more he didn't turn back to look at the places where he was born and grew up once more. As he was going away from his homeland that was by the lake he realized that a pain in his heart was growing bigger and bigger. Whenever he saw some animals on his way through the woods he immediately went near them but when he realized that those animals were behaving him as if he was an ordinary duck and they were laughing at him when he told them about some of his plans. So that he was really unhappy and desperate.
After a while Gadro realized that other animals were laughing at even the way he walked so his unhappiness grew more and more. He thought that they were a few stupid animals and he found it ridicules how they could dare to laugh at a champion duck that was really talented and could be a world famous sportsman one day.
He was known by thousands of ducks that lived by the lake and he was admired by them. What about those animals. None of them was famous and known by any other animals. They didn't even know who or what they were. Was it possible for an animal that forgot its own name to remember Gadro, even if he was known by everyone? They were all poor, pitiable creatures.
For five years Gadro travelled and lived in lots of different places. And then he turned back to his homeland by the lake. He wasn't walking around the lake any more as he did in the past and at nights he was training for swimming and diving in the lake. During the day he was watching the ducks that were swimming in the lake at the top of one of the hills around.
One day Gadro climbed on that hill again and to his amazement he saw that there were about forty or fifty ducks by the lake and five of them started competing in the lake. Rarely could he hear some of the ducks were applauding the competitors. Gadro thought they must be training. After a short time Gadro realized that an old duck was approaching him. He pulled down his hat on his eyes in order to be unknown by this old duck. After greeting Gadro the old duck sat next to him.
‘This year very few ducks are showing interest in competitions' the old duck said. ‘As you see only five ducks are competing and hardly fifty ducks are watching and trying to courage them.'
Gadro was confused.
‘What did you say? Are they competing at the moment? I don't believe it. I thought they were training!' replied Gadro.
‘They are really racing my son. What is more this is the most important competition of the year. The duck which comes first in swimming will get the big prize. There used to be amazing competitions in this lake. This hill, those hills and the ones behind used to be full of spectators and hundreds of ducks used to attend the competitions which lasted for days and all the competitors tried to do their best. The ones that came first became perceptible in the competitions which were held on the next day and they used to get their awards while everybody was applauding them. After Gadro left here, the excitement of the competitions ended. If it goes on this way, in a few years time there will be nobody attending the races. It is really hard to find a duck to compete if there is no spectator.' the old duck explained sadly.
Gadro was really touched while listening to the old duck and there were tears in his eyes. He pulled up his hat a bit to clean his tears. The old duck who had seen Gadro many times while he was competing and training around the lake realized that the duck sitting next to him was Gadro. He was the champion of all the games. It was unbelievable. Ha turned back to his homeland many years later. At first Gadro denied that he was the champion duck but in the end he confessed that he was because the old duck insisted on him a lot. Also he accepted to publicize his being back to other ducks.
The next day, thousands of ducks gathered by the lake. They were all waiting for Gadro so that he didn't make them wait for too long. He came there and he started swimming in the lake with the old duck and he met all the ducks in the lake and greeted them, made some compliments and a short speech to the ducks.
Then he started coaching the young ducks that were getting ready for the next competitions. The did his best to make each of them good competitors. Hundreds of ducks started to attend the competitions again as it used to be in the past. Gadro entered the competitions as well. He was coming first in most of them and sometimes he let others to beat him because he wanted to courage the other young ducks and everybody knew that he was being beaten on purpose.
That year Gadro was twenty-four and he got really old. He could attend the short distance swimming competitions for the past few years. In his last competition although he had some problems at the beginning of the game he didn't give up swimming. He came last. When the other ducks turned back after completing the race they saw Gadro. The champion duck was falling on his back as he tried to swim and he was struggling desperately. Other ducks were shocked and they knew that Gadro had done lots of things for them to be a champion. He coached them day and night. And their coach was in a difficult situation. They swam quickly back towards Gadro and they took him in their arms. He could hardly speak as he was nearly unconscious. He was saying that he had to finish the race. He managed to finish the race in the arms of other ducks while thousands of ducks were watching him silently.
Normally average life expectancy for a duck is about twenty five years but Gadro lived longer than that. He couldn't compete any more but he was always there to support the other duck. 

The little whale whose mother was killed by whale hunters was swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. Whilst swimming, he was surrounded by a group of sharks that included about twenty members. The leader of the sharks came nearer to the little whale and said ‘ I know you and I can understand how you feel little whale. Being unhappy won't help you. You can't get anything living unhappily. People killed your mother. You must get your revenge. You mustn't swim around doing nothing. We are your friends and we can teach you how to kill people so that you can kill them cruelly and get your revenge. In the near future people will get to know you and they will be afraid of this cruel whale.'
‘Did people eat my mother?' asked the little whale.
‘Yes, my little friend they did. People are so cruel. They kill all the living things in the world wildly and also they are really cruel to each other as well. I have seen lots of people fighting with each other on the ships. My grandfather used to say that they were also fighting on the land and the one who beats the other one was becoming a hero.' answered the leader of the sharks.
‘It means that people are really bad creature, aren't they? asked the little whale.
‘Yes, they really are.' said the shark.
‘If they are so, I am going to punish all of them and the ones that killed my mother and made me cry for a long time but I don't know how to do this.' the little whale said.
‘You can learn it. Come on honey, follow me. Let's go my dear friends. Deep waters are waiting for us.' said the shark.
The sharks taught the little whale all the techniques about how to kill people and it took them one month to do this. Their aim was to send the little whale to the beaches where a lot of people swam and to make him kill all the people who were swimming around.
Little whale was sure of himself. He was definitely confident that he was able to kill people and he always told the sharks he wanted to kill all the people and pull them to pieces. However, the leader of the sharks thought it was necessary to test the little whale if he really learned how to kill that before sending him to the beach to kill people. So five of the sharks started to look for a person swimming around alone and away from the other people who were doing different activities on the beach. After a short time they realized that there was a little boy swimming alone near the lighthouse. This little boy was going to be their first victim. They didn't want to go closer to the child as they didn't want him to be scared. They turned back quickly and showed the little whale his first victim so that the little whale started to swim towards the little boy. The sharks thought that the little boy must be a professional swimmer as the sea was very deep around the lighthouse otherwise he couldn't swim there because most of the people were afraid of it. At first the little whale took his head out of the sea and then his body and tail appeared. The child realized the whale immediately. The whale took a deep breathe and dived into the sea. Although it was just a baby whale, it was four metres long. It was impossible for the little boy to swim towards the beach because the whale could swim much faster than him so that it could catch him before reaching the beach. He started swimming parallel to the beach but the whale came closer and closer and then the whale started swimming next to him and after a while it suddenly opened its mouth and then closed it. Then it turned back and swam towards the sharks.
When he came near them:
‘ I completed my mission. I killed the child.' he said.
‘ Did you pull him to pieces?', asked the leader of the sharks.
‘ No, I didn't pull him to pieces', said the little whale.
‘ Didn't you? What did you do, then?' asked the shark.
‘ I swallowed him.' replied the whale.
‘Swallowed?' asked the shark.
‘ Yes, I did. The child is in my stomach now.' said the whale.
‘ No matter what you did. As a result you killed him. I really appreciate what you did and I want to congratulate you. We are going somewhere far away tomorrow to attend a meeting so that we won't be here for a few days. I want you to go to the beach and kill as may people as possible. You can either pull them to pieces or swallow them. You must swim around all the beaches and kill all the people you come across. Do not pity on them.' said the leader of the sharks.
After a few days the sharks came back and found the little whale swimming around happily. The little whale told them that he had killed twenty people cruelly and people had been afraid of swimming in the sea since than because they were scared to death and next he boasted them all the people were afraid of him. All the sharks became very pleased when they heard that.
The next day one of the sharks saw the boy whom the whale pretended as if he swallowed the other day on the beach near the lighthouse. He went directly beside their leader and told what he had seen so that the leader got furious. He went beside the little whale angrily.
‘You told us that you had swallowed that little boy but we saw him on the beach and he was alive. Nothing has happened to him. He looks so healthy. Are you making fun of us?' he said.
The whale realized that he was being surrounded by the sharks that seemed very angry.
‘Yes, I swallowed him but I couldn't digest him so I had to vomit him because he started kicking my stomach.' replied the little whale.
‘Shut up, you liar! you didn't swallow him and you didn't attack other people swimming around. They were all lies. You also told us that people couldn't come to the beach as they were afraid of you but you see all the beaches are full of people and they don't care about you. All the things that you told us were lies. If you can't kill them, I will…… said the leader of the sharks. And he couldn't finish his sentence.
‘What will you do? I got bored of you all. Get out of my sight!' said the whale angrily and then hit the leader with his head so strongly that it went down the depths of the sea and then he started to swim very fast towards the beach. It was too late to turn back and the sharks were swimming just behind him and they were so close. If they caught him they would pull him to pieces.
Little whale reached the beach hardly. It struggled and kicked about while lying on its back for a while and it could manage to move a bit on the beach. When he got weak he let his head on the hot sand. The child recognized the whale and ran beside him.
‘What is happening little whale? You must be in the sea not on the beach!' said the little boy.
‘Thanks God. Is it you little boy? Sorry I can't remember your name.2 said the little whale.
‘My name is Mark. I am OK! What are you doing on the beach?' asked the little boy.
‘My name is Sili. We met a few days ago, didn't we?' asked the little whale.
‘Yes, I do. We swam next to each other for a while. When you opened your big mouth I got so frightened because I thought that you were going to eat me but I was wrong. You just opened your mouth widely and then closed it and swam away. I couldn't understand why you did like that.' said the little boy.
‘ Did you really think that I was going to eat you. That was just a joke. I am so sorry that I made you frightened. Please forgive me for my behaviour' said the whale.
‘ OK! I do forgive you. Would you please tell me what is going on now? What is the reason for your being here on the beach instead of swimming in the sea?' asked the little boy.
Little told him everything.
‘As you see my friend all the sharks are chasing me all around and I can not fight them alone because there are twenty sharks that want to kill me. That is why I am here.' said the whale.
‘Why didn't you swim away when the sharks went far away for the meeting? You should have asked for help from the other whales.' said the little boy.
‘If I had swum away, the sharks would catch me easily. I would have no chance to survive because all the sharks in the sea would start looking for me in order to kill me. I wouldn't have asked for help from other whales because that would cause a cruel war between all the sharks and whales living in the sea. as a result a lot of whales and sharks would die just because of me. I might have died in that war. But now only I am dying and none of the whales is in danger. It is not the end of the world if I die. The world is like a drop in the space and I am not even like a drop in the ocean' explained the whale.
‘If your mother hadn't died, the sharks wouldn't have tried to kill you. You wouldn't be here and running away from them.' said the boy.
‘ That is true but people are responsible from my mother's death. They killed her. What is more I can't understand the reason why they killed my mother. She didn't hurt them. Why do you think they killed her, Mark?' asked the little whale.
‘To earn some money. Some people kill animals to earn some money. They don't care about what would happen to the babies of those animals that they kill. How can those babies survive without their mothers? They won't give harm to a child whose mother or father died. Because they respect that child and pity on him. A child whose mother or father died when he was small can understand you very well. I promise you I will never give harm anything on earth.' promised the child.
‘ I love you, Mark' said the little whale.
‘ I love you, too Sili' replied the little boy.

Mrs. Hackett found her in her bedroom crying. She stood in doorway and said seriously, “ I came in to borrow some sugar, Sylvia. The door was open so I just walk in. Now what's on earth ‘s wrong with you?
Sylvia sat up and dried her eyes. Her skirt was wrinkled and her black hair hung in disorder over her forehead. A pin had come out of her imitation lace collar and it had fallen down to catch in the little red buckle at her waist. She said shakily, “Hello, Mrs. Hackett. Nothing.”
Mrs. Hackett drew down the corners of her mouth. “Nothing, indeed. It's because of Chip wanting leave here and go to Canton. Isn't it? Of course it is.”
Sylvia pushed her hair aside out of her eyes. “ I won't do it,” she said angrily. “I won't.”
“Mm,” Mrs. Hackett said sourly. “A boy's will is the wind's will. 'That's a poem. It's the truest thing in the world. It doesn't do any good to fight against it. Remember that and you'll have it easier''
“I won't do it. I won't move around to one mill after another all my life, and never have anything, no home, and no-nothing! I won't!”
“Well it's his job if he wants to give it up.”
“It isn't! It's just as much mine as it is his. I don't believe in that old idea that a woman's just a-a slave, to follow a man around whatever he happens to want to do!”
“Oh, you don't,” Mrs. Hackett said. “And just what can you do about it?”
Sylvia bowed her head and dried her cheeks with her handkerchief. “I don't know,” she said.
“Of course you don't. You're nothing but a child,” Mrs. Hackett said.” You'll be twenty years finding out what to do and by that time it'll be too late to do you any good. Unless there's somebody around to tell you to begin with. Somebody who knows.”
Sylvia was not impressed. “What could you tell me Mrs. Hackett? What could anyone do? I've argued with him until I'm almost crazy but he – doesn't even listen any more. He's got his mind set on moving on, to something different that won't be any different at all, and he'll want to go again, and—“
“A boy's will is the wind's will, “ said Mrs. Hackett, “That's what the poem says. It's just as true of a man or an old man, for that matter. The older they get the truer it gets, I guess. Only they give up trying to do anything about it after so long a time.” She pushed up her lower lip and looked down her nose at Sylvia. “Like Mr. Hackett.”
Sylvia looked up, surprised. “You mean Mr. Hackett used to – want to—“
“He was the hardest man to hold down in this town. He got tired of everything, that was his trouble. It's sort of laziness, that's all it is. But he stuck here. He stuck, all right.”
“Why?” Sylvia asked. “What did you do?”
“Well,” Mrs. Hackett said, “you can take it for what it's worth, Sylvia. It worked with Mrs. Hackett, I know that.”
“But what was it?”
“Whenever he got all excited about leaving here and going away some place to look for something he thought was better, I simply gave him his way. I didn't oppose him in the least.”
Sylvia looked disappointed and confused. “Oh.”
“But,“ Mrs. Hackett said profoundly, “he didn't know it. "
"I always took him on a trip. Just a week or so. And I kept him on the jump every minute of it. I always liked little trips around, anyway. Well, bye the time that man would get home again he'd be so tired of jumping around that he wouldn't have left for a thousand dollars. "That,“ Mrs. Hackett said, “is something you find about men, Sylvia. They like to start but they like to get back home a whole lot more.”
Sylvia said doubtfully. “It doesn't seem that Chip would—“
“Maybe he wouldn't. I'm the last person in the world to try to give other people advice, Sylvia. Nobody wants it and I guess everyone has to live his own life, anyway. But Mr. Hackett says that they're shutting down the mill for a week, and if Chip was to spend that week in a car traveling along fast from one place to another, without even a chance to catch his breath….Well, a boy's will is the wind's will'—the idea of that is that the wind can change in a minute.”
“But what if he wouldn't want to go?”
“Mm. You tell him you want a little vacation before you move to Canton. If he thinks that you‘ve given in to him about moving to Canton, he'll take you. You try it and see.”
They went up into Michigan, west to Wisconsin, down through Minnesota and Iowa and St. Louis to Memphis, east to Knoxville and up through Louisville to come to home. They were gone six days. Each day Sylvia arranged it so that they got up very early and were on the highway by daylight and she kept on the job, planning the things to visit at the next stop, until late at night. She called upon Chip to stop often at roadside stands and she filled him with hot dogs, soft drinks and bad coffee. She was surprised and delighted at the dull look that appeared in his eyes on the third day.
Mrs. Hackett came over the day after they returned to bring back the cup of sugar she had borrowed.
She said, “Well !” and paused expectantly, holding the cup of sugar in both hands.
“He went back to work today,” Sylvia said. There was a tired note in her voice. “He hasn't said a thing about going to Canton for several days.”
“Mm! And what did he say when he got home?” She asked. “That he never thought home would look so good to him?”
Sylvia nodded. She sat down on a kitchen chair and for a moment seemed lost in thought. “He said exactly that,” she said at last.
“ You won't even be able to get him to move out of the house to go to a movie for a month. I told you. “Wind's will,” that's the poem. They're all alike, all men.” She put the cup of sugar on the kitchen cabinet and looked at Sylvia. “But I wouldn't say that you look so happy about it, Sylvia. You're tired.”
Sylvia rested her chin on her hand. She sighed and said, “I'm a little tired of this town, I guess. I was just thinking, when we came back yesterday, and it looked so …so old and so dirty and dull and tiresome…and I thought that we'll spend all our lives here, with nothing to do except the same old … oh, I was just thinking.”
Mrs. Hackett drew back and looked at Sylvia seriously and then said. “You're just tired, Sylvia. My goodness. That long trip—“
Sylvia looked up and her eyes were shining. “But I'm not tired,” she said. “I had a wonderful time.” 

The night was dark. And the house was dark. Dark-and silent. The two men ran toward it quietly. They slipped quickly through the dark bushes, which surrounded the house. They reached the porch, ran quickly up the steps, kneeled-down, breathing heavily, in the dark shadows. They waited-listening whisper: ”we can not stay here….Take this suitcase….Let me try those keys. We have got to get in!”
Ten-twenty –thirty seconds. With one of the keys the one man opened the door. Silently, the two men entered the house, closed the door behind them, locked it.
Whispering, they discussed the situation. They wondered if they had awakened anyone in he house.
“Let us have a look at this place.” “Careful ,Hasty!” “Oh, there is not anybody awake!” And the soft rays of a flashlight swept the room.
It was a large room. A living room. Rugs, carefully rolled, lay piled on one side. The furniture –chairs, tables, couches-was covered by sheets. Dust lay like a light snow over everything.
The man who held the flashlight spoke first. ”Well, Blackie,” he said, “We're in luck. Looks as if the family s away.”
“Yeah, Gone for the summer, I guess. We better make sure, though. Huh.”
Together they searched the house. They went on tiptoe through every room. There could be no doubt about it. The family was away. Had been away for weeks.
Yes, Hasty Hogan and Blackie Burns were in luck. Only once in the past ten days had their luck failed them. It had been with them when they made their big robbery-their truly magnificent robbery-on the Coast.
It had been with them during their thousand-mile trip eastward, by automobile. It had been with them every moment-but one.
That moment had come just one hour before. It came when Blackie, driving the car, ran over a policeman. And Blackie, thinking of the suitcase at Hasty s feet, had driven away. Swiftly.
There had been a chase, of course. A wild crazy chase. And when a bullet had punctured the gasoline tank, they had had to abandon the car. But luck or no luck, here they were. Alone, and without a car, in a completely strange town. In the suitcase, neat little package on neat little package, lay nearly three hundred thousand dollars!
“Listen,” said Mr. Hogan. “We have to get a car. Quick, too. And we can not steal one- and use it. It is too dangerous. We have to buy one. That means that we have to wait until the stores open. That will be about eight o clock in this town.”
“But what are we going to do with that?” And Mr. Burns pointed to the suitcase.
“Hide it right here. Sure! Why not? It is much safer here than with us- until we get a car.”
And so they hid the suitcase. They carried it down to the cellar. Buried it deep in some coal, which lay in a corner of the cellar. After this, just before dawn, they slipped out.
“Say, Blackie,” Mr. Hogan remarked as they walked down the street, “The name of the gentleman we are visiting is Mr. Samuel W. Rogers.”
“How do you know?”
“Saw with on some of them books. He is surely got a wonderful library, has not he?”
The automobile salesrooms opened at 8 o'clock, as Mr. Hogan had supposed.
Shortly before nine , Mr. Hogan and Mr. Burns had a car. A very nice little car. Very quiet. Very inconspicuous. And very speedy. The dealer lent them his license plates and away they rode.
Three blocks from the house, they stopped. Mr. Hogan got out. Walked toward the house. He had just to go around to the rear, he thought, and slip in..
Fifty yards from the house he stopped. Stared, swore softly. The front door was open. The window shades were up. The family had returned!

Well, what bad luck. And what could they do? Break into the cellar that night, and pick up the suitcase? No-too dangerous. Mr. Hogan would have to think of something.
“Leave it to me, kid “ He told Mr. Burns. “You drive the car. I will do the special brainwork. Let's find a telephone. Quick.”
Directory. Yes , there it was- Samuel W. Rogers, Plain view 6329. A moment later he was talking to the surprised Mr. Rogers.
“Hello,” he began, “ Is this Mr. Rogers – Mr. Samuel Rogers?”
“Yes, this is Mr. Rogers.”
Mr. Hogan cleared his throat. “Mr. Rogers, “ he said—and his tone was sharp , official ,impressive—“this is Headquarters , Police Headquarters , talking. I am Simpson. Sergeant Simpson, of the detective division—“
“Yes , yes “ came over the wire.
“The Chief –the Chief of Police , you know,”—here Mr. Hogan lowered his voice a little—“has ordered me to get in touch with you. He's sending me out with one of our men to see you.”
“ Am I in trouble of some kind ?” asked Mr. Rogers.
“No, no, no. Nothing like that. But I have something of great importance to talk to you about.”
“Very well,” came the voice of Mr. Rogers. ”I will wait for you.”
“And, Mr. Rogers” Mr. Hogan cautioned, “ please keep quiet about this. Do not say anything to anybody. You will understand why when I see you.”
On the way back to the house, Mr. Hogan explained his idea to Mr. Burns. Within ten minutes “Sergeant Simpson” and “Detective Johnson” were conversing with the surprised Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rogers was a small man . Rather insignificant. He had pale blue eyes. Not much of a chin. A funny little face. He was nervous—a badly frightened man.
Mr. Hogan told the whole story. Somewhat changed. Very much changed. And Mr. Rogers was surprised ,but delighted. He accompanied Mr. Hogan to the cellar. And together they dug up to the suitcase. Took it to the living room, opened it, so that it had
not been touched-that it really did hold a small fortune. Bills, bills, bills!
Mr. Hogan closed the suitcase.
“And now, Mr. Rogers,” he announced, in this best official manner, “Johnson and I must run along. The chief wants a report – quick. We have to catch the rest of the robbers. I will keep in touch with you.”
He picked up the suitcase and rose. Mr. Burns also rose. Mr. Rogers also rose. The trio walked to the door. Mr. Rogers opened in. “Come in boys,” he said pleasantly. And in walked three men. Large men. Strong men. Men in police uniform who without fear, stared at Mr. Hasty Hogan and Mr. Blackie Burns.
“What does this mean Mr. Rogers?” asked Mr. Hogan.
“It's quiet simple,” said Mr. Rogers. “It just happens that I am the Chief of Police!” 

He wasn't the kind to pick a secretary by the color of her hair. Not Bill Hargrave. Both Paula and Nancy had been smart enough to know that. And for some time everyone in the office had known that one of them, Paula or Nancy, was going to get the job. In fact, the decision would probably be made this afternoon. Hargrave was leaving town and wanted to settle the matter before he left.
The two girls could see him from their desks outside his office. Maybe it was only some correspondence that he was looking at with cool, keen eyes. But for a moment his finger seemed to pause above those two efficient little pushbuttons. If he pressed the left one, it would be Paula's pulse which would begin to beat faster.
Paula couldn't keep her eyes off that light on her desk. She kept making mistakes in her typing and nervously taking the sheets of paper out in order to start all over again.
She leaned across her typewriter and said to Nancy, “The boss is all dressed up today. He must be going on a special trip.”
She was just talking to relieve her nervousness. Nancy took her time about answering. She wasn't used to having Paula talk to her in such an intimate tone. Not since they'd learned a month ago that they were both in line for a promotion, for the important job as Bill Hargrave's secretary.
“He does look nice.”
Hargrave was young and outside of office hours he was said to be human. But that wasn't why he'd gotten to be one of the important officials of the company until they saw him one day in one of the top executive positions.
The two girls saw him get up from his desk and walk to the doorway of his office. He stood there with one hand in a pocket of his blue flannel suit. There was a small white flower in his buttonhole and the usual keen, unrevealing smile on his face.

“Did you send for the tickets?” he asked Nancy.
“I got the tickets all right,” she answered, “but…and she tried to smile in the same hard way the boss did. She looked about as hardboiled as a white kitten. “But there just aren't any staterooms to be had,” she told him. “Not for love or money.”
The boss was certainly disappointed. Anybody could see that.
“Suppose I try it?” Paula suggested quickly.
And for the next ten minutes, half the office employees could hear Paula telling the ticket agent exactly what she thought of him.
“Listen,” she said, “I don't care whose reservations you have to cancel…”
Well, the job was worth going after. There was the salary, for one thing. And there was the prestige. The boss's secretary knew a great deal about the business. And there were the interesting people she got to talk to. The important people. And the boxes of perfume, flowers, and candy they often left on her desk.
And there was Bill Hargrave for a boss. Young and clever and attractive. That was a factor, too. Because in the advertising business you called the boss “Bill,” and he called his secretary “Nancy” or “Paula” and took her to dinner on the company expense account.
It was all strictly business, but it seemed intimate and informal.
Both Paula and Nancy knew about those dinners. Bill had tried to be fair. He would ask Paula to stay one night, and it would be Nancy's turn the next night.
But Paula had been smart. She had soon learned how impersonal Bill Hargrave could be, even at those intimate dinners. About as personal as one of those advertisements that says, “This means you.” And she saw how much harder to please he was during the overtime hours- more irritable, more inclined to be critical in his manner.
So when Nancy had said, “I don't mind staying nights, really. I know Paula usually has a date. She's popular with the men…” well, Paula had been glad to let it go at that. She'd been quick enough to see that neither of them was going to get the job simply on a basis of physical attractiveness, and she was right.
Paula didn't need any lessons when it came to office politics. She was the one who was always busy when someone of little importance in the office wanted his material typed. “Sorry, but it's impossible, Jack. Why not ask Nancy?”
And they did ask Nancy. It left Paula free to do Bill Hargrave's work in a hurry. She was never too busy for Mr. Bill's work.
When Hargrave finally pressed one of those buttons it was at Paula's desk that the light went on. She started to make a grab for her notebook, but she quickly took out her mirror first. Then she grabbed up her notebook and an envelope that was on her desk.
As for Nancy, what else could she do but sit there with her pretty blonde head bent over her typewriter? Nancy was a natural blonde, and that seemed the best way to describe her.
She just didn't seem to know any tricks such as Paula did for making herself more popular with the boss.
The moment Paula got inside Hargrave's office he asked about that stateroom.
“Any luck, Paula?”
Paula wasn't dumb. It was the little things that would count with Mr. Bill. Orchestra seats at the theater when an important client was in the town and the show was sold out. Or a stateroom when there were “no staterooms to be had for love or money.”
She handed him the envelope. It contained the two sets of tickets. “That's your stateroom number on the outside,” she said in a businesslike way.
She had on a blue flannel suit something like Bill's, and it was clear he thought she looked pretty smart in it.
“Don't forget the time,” she added, “eight-fifteen.”
Hargrave smiled. “So there were no staterooms for love or money, eh?”
He looked again at the number of his stateroom and he put the envelope carefully in his inside pocket.
Then he told her. She was going to have a new job. He mentioned the salary, too. He didn't neglect to mention the salary.
She took it just right- in a very businesslike manner. Just enough of gratitude.
And then, the old sportsmanship. How sorry she felt about Nancy. She didn't look sorry
And neither did Bill. He told her it was okay, that she shouldn't worry about Nancy, that Nancy wasn't made for the job anyway, and that besides, he and Nancy were leaving on their honeymoon tonight. Tonight at eight-fifteen.

I put on a clean collar. I was in our room on the second floor where I could see into the Hubbel's yard , and the ring on the stone post where they tie up their dog. The dog wasn't there. The collar which I took off had two kinds of laundry mark on the inside, one mark from the laundry where I used to take my shirts and a second mark from the present laundry. Then I washed my hands.
The soap was worn down so that there was almost none left. It was as soap that smelled like salad. I turned off the water, but the water still went drip- drip from the faucet. I dried my hands. I hung the towel on the left end of the rod. The right end of the rod is for Mae. The rod is glass and some day it will come loose and fall down and break. I shut the bathroom door so that I would not hear the drip-drip of the water from the faucet.
I went into the room again which is for Mae and mine. On her bed in the day time she keeps a French doll with big eyes. Where the back of the bed hits the wall there is a mark. I moved out the bed, and I saw the mark. It is black and a yard long. The doll fell of and I put it back on the bed so it could not look at me when I went out. Then I went out.
I was is the hall , and I shut my eyes. I didn't know what kind of wallpaper there was in the hall. I thought that it would be green, but when I opened my eyes again it was more blue than green, with a woman , with a basket, and a lamp. Around the door the wallpaper was cut off, and there was only the lamp; eight times from ceiling to the flour , no woman , and no basket but only the lamp. I could touch to the ceiling when I stood on my toes.
Next to our room is the extra room, which we do not use. I went into that. The back of the mirror was peeling off , and both windows were closed.
On the window there was a large fly, and I opened the window and drove him out and he flew away. And in the window frame there was a long nail ;and I took off my shoe and drove in the nail with the heel of my shoe. Then I put on my shoe again. I measured the room by walking across in each direction from one wall to other . It is ten by fourteen.
I came into the parlor from the door across from the desk. The desk has three drawers down one side. I took out an envelope from the bottom drawer and put some money in it and wrote “ For Mae “ on it and put it on the top of the desk. The curtains in the parlor were red. Where the sun hits them there is a part that is not red , but pink. There was a magazine on the table called Movieland, and I started to read it, but I did not read it. I went over the fireplace and looked at the rest of the room from there , and I saw the table and the carpet and how two chairs were facing right towards each other. I sat down on one of them and one of it's legs was shorter than the others, and I got up and went into the kitchen.
In the kitchen I saw Mae shelling peas. She forces the peas out of the shell with her thump and they fell into the bowl. There were three peas on the floor and I picked them up and put them in my pocket. The kitchen floor was laid in linoleum with blue and white squares two inches squares. Mae was sitting on a stool, reading a paper placed in front of her. She did not turn around when I came in. She said, ‘'When you come back bring some stove polish with you.''
I said I was going now.
I went out through the back door into the yard. There I saw my kid playing with some sand and toy truck, and then running the truck back and forth through sand. The sand was wet, and I could see the print of his hand on it. It was his left hand. I said,' 'so long, son,‘' to him, but he didn't say anything. He was too busy with his truck and the sand.
Then I went to the garage, and unlock the door. I ran a cloth over the windshield of the car, and it was scratched in a half circle where the windshield wiper wipes it. And I stood there a couple minutes, and then I closed the doors and walked alongside of the house to the frond and looked at my watch. It was twenty minutes to ten.
Then I walked down the wooden steps to the sidewalk, and I counted the steps. I counted ten steps, I thought I counted the last step, but perhaps I didn't . I walked down the street, and I looked back, and saw the house , and there was one window with a shade halfway down, and I wanted to go back and count the steps again to make sure, but I didn't. I walked down to the corner and took the bus and got off at the police station and found Captain Rogers and told him that if they were looking for the man who killed Sam Mathews they should arrest me because I had done it.
Captain Rogers asked me if I want to write out a confession and I said that I would, but before I tell them how I killed Mathews I want to write down the last things which I saw in my house and how I remember them, because now I will want always to be able to remember about all those things that I won't ever see again.
They had been walking along Oxford Street. Now they stopped, Greg's hand on her arm.
“This is the place,” he said. “I thought you might get the sort of thing you liked here.”
Helen nodded, but there were tears in her eyes as she looked through the shop-window. The new hat had been his idea, not hers.
“What about the black one?” He pointed. “It would go with your suit!”
Her lips trembled. One of the little things she loved so much about him was the really genuine interest he had always taken in what she wore. It had made you feel young, somehow, loved, though in your heart you knew you were young no longer.
“Yes. Yes, it would, wouldn't it?” She carefully avoided meeting his eyes, because there was so much in her own eyes that he must never see.
Kaynak: Bydigi Forum http://www.bydigi.net/yabanci-dil/196736-english-stories-ingilizce-hikayeler-cevirisi-mevcut-2.html#post1519864
They went into the shop. A clerk appeared to wait on them.
Helen described the hat. It was in the window.
She was wishing now that they had never come into the shop. But Greg had been insistent. He wanted to give her something. A parting gift, he had called it.
He was smiling now out of blue, untroubled eyes. Which surprised her. And yet why should it, she asked herself, as she took the hat from the clerk and placed it on her blue-gray hair? 
She had always tried to be modern, and part of modernity was to see these things through bravely, when and if they came.
Her mind turned back. And she saw herself in the hat shop mirror, not as someone in a black tailored suit, but as a bride. Smiling, radiant, on Greg's arm. At least they had said she had looked like that. She had never thought of it, never cared. She had been so completely, so blindly happy.
Five minutes later they were out again in the sunshine of the street and Greg, after looking at his watch, suggested tea.
“I know a place-“ There was an expression of excitement in his eyes which she could not understand. “You'll like it there.”
It was a small, very ordinary café in one of the side streets off Oxford Street. He ordered for them both, and then leaned back.
He didn't speak, but his hand came out across the table and took hers.
“Please, God, don't let me cry,” she prayed. “Not now. Not so long as he's with me.”
The tea arrived. He drank one cup quickly, lit himself a cigarette, and then said:
“You're quite certain that you want to stay on in that house alone? I mean- well, I feel rather badly about the whole thing, and if there's anything I could do-“
There was one thing, but it would have been hysterical weakness to have suggested it. She shook her head. She didn't want him to have any feelings of regret, any pains of conscience. It had been wonderful having him for all those years.
“No, really,” she said. “It'll be all right.”
But he still didn't seem satisfied.
“There's another thing I'd like to mention,” he said. “I didn't say anything about it before because I know- well, I know how sensitive you are about that sort of thing- “ He broke off and then went hurriedly on, his eyes avoiding hers. “It's money. I've arranged with the bank…”
The color came at once to her cheeks. Not because of any false pride. That was a luxury you couldn't afford if you had no one to support you. But-
“Oh, Greg, you shouldn't,” she said with embarrassment.
He brushed that aside. Angrily almost.
“Why not? It's something I want to do. And Sandra- “ He mentioned the girl's name- “She agrees. We were talking about it last night.”
Sandra…. We…. How easily, familiarly, he spoke of her. Helen thought with an ache. And yet two months ago they hadn't even met. Two months…. Was it really only that time since he'd gone up to London on that business trip?
She had realized, of course, after he came back, that there was something, although he hadn't actually said a word then. Some deep-rooted woman's instinct had warned her that he wasn't all hers any longer, that she was sharing him with someone else.
A girl. Young, fresh, and lovely. The imagined picture had filled her with a sense of panic. He had changed his job for a better one and gone up to live in London. For a month she hadn't seen him. And she had never met the girl.
Sandra… She worked in the advertising business, he had told her. And very clever. But that didn't matter to Helen. When you have loved somebody with every part of you, you did not think of cleverness in considering that younger person to whom you were losing him.
Was she really nice? Would she work to keep him happy as you had tried to do?
Kaynak: Bydigi Forum http://www.bydigi.net/showthread.php?p=1519864
But Sandra,… The name had a sharp quality. You couldn't imagine a girl with a name like that being- Helen's eyes were drawn to a girl who had just walked into the café, who was looking around hesitantly- well like that, for instance.
Then the girl turned. She was beautiful, with a shy, sweet loveliness that caught at your heart. Helen stayed, quite unconscious that she was staring. And then her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Greg rise to his feet. The girl was hurrying towards their table.
“So you were able to get here, darling!” She heard Greg's voice and then he had turned, was smiling down at her. “A little surprise,” he said. “This is Sandra, Mother. Tomorrow's happy bride!”